Meet Carol! Carol first came to IDPT with a painful bladder.

Six years ago, I went to an urologist for what I initially assumed to be a recurring bladder infection.
The pain was burning, and it was constant, and causing me a great deal of anxiety. It was like a scalpel cutting into me, slice after slice. I am a teacher and I could barely get through my work dat and could not even exercise. It was horrible.I found that I was running to the bathroom several times an hour to urinate, and could barely get any sleep at night because the urgency kept me up.
My doctor tried three different antibiotics but nothing worked. Enough was enough… I knew something was going on and started searcching online for help. I came across a blog that tlaked about women having success with Pelvic Floor Therapy. I immediately contatcted Dr. Alison Ankiewicz at Inner Dynamics and made an appointment. I knew after my first visit, there was HOPE and I would be able to heal. I felt relief almost immediately and knew I was in the right place. I finally saw the light at the end of the tunnel and knew I was going to recover. I went to IDPT weekly, during which she gently manipulated the tissue that was causing my bladder to product the painful spasms.
I now exercise and stretch daily. I am back to living again. I recently started hiking and exploring national parks… so happy to feel healthy and vibrant again!
Thank heavens I met Dr. Alison, working with her was life-changing for me. Physical therapy has made all the difference in my life!

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